Seminari e Convegni

Seminari 2012

  1. Modulation of AMPA receptors
  2. Calcium, mitochondrial stress and Parkinson’s diseasePharmacological modulation of basal ganglia circuits for treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
  3. Pharmacological modulation of basal ganglia circuits for treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
  4. The Computational Logics of Networks in Motion – from Ion Channels to Behaviour


 Seminari 2013

  1. La ricerca traslazionale nella malattia di Parkinson: dai modelli sperimentali al paziente
  2. Dopaminergic neurons: from pacemaking in slices to firing properties in behaviorally relevant conditions
  3. Beta-amyloid and synaptic dysfunctions in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease 06 febbraio 2013 CERC
  4. Testing the Two-Hit Hypothesis of Methamphetamine Action
  5. Optogenetica, plasticita’ sinaptica e dipendenze
  6. Do elephants run? The effect of size on the mechanics of terrestrial locomotion
  7. The therapeutic potential of purinergic signalling
  8. Circuits and pathways dystonia and parkinsonism
  9. Corso di statistica
  10. Il dolore cronico: tra corpo e mente Assegnazione del Premio ” Cataldo Cassano” al Prof. Giorgio Bernardi


Nell’ambito del programma Visiting Professor promosso dall’Ufficio Internalizzazione, abbiamo il piacere di ospitare il Prof. Soldano Ferrone della Harvard Medical School di Boston USA, che terrà due seminari sulle seguenti tematiche:

  1. HLA antigen abnormalities in malignant diseases il 22 maggio 2013 aula Fleming ore 14,00
  2. Human tumor antigens recognized by monoclonal antibosies il 23 maggio aula D10 ore 14,00.